Dorian Alexander awoke with a splitting headache. He shook his head a bit and looked around. There were trees around. There didn't seem to be any wildlife around him, but that was too be expected. He assumed they be steering clear unless they were some sort of predator. Boy was he glad none of those were around. Still, upon closer inspection there were more than just trees. There were... Street signs? Traffic signs? "What the hell?" He asked himself before feeling a something poking at the back of his head. "Finally... How long you plannin on sleepin ya lazy oaf?" A strange voice rang out. DOrian immediately turned and grabbed the stick. "Look you damn..." Dorian began, but immediately stopped upon seeing the small talking... thing... Immediately the young man began to pinch himself. "I have to be dreaming... I have..." Impmon immediately slapped his tamer and put his hands on the young man's shoulders. Which... Was probably only really possible because Dorian was currently on his knees. "Look... I know this is weird... But if you let me and my bud explain you'll probably not freak out as much. Just give us a sec. There's two of ya. Don't wanna waste time explainin it twice." With that the purple creature looked to the side. "Elecmon. The otha one up yet?" He called out rather impatiently.