[CENTER][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/sevsr4.png[/IMG] Interest Check: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/70488/posts/ooc]Click Here[/url] Latest Summary/Announcements: -Pending Link- ---- [I]There is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun. It's been the ruin of many a poor child and God, I know I'm one.[/I][/CENTER] As a child attending [B]Rising Sun Reformatory School[/B], life was a more simple time. You had a small class of only 8 students, all of which you relatively got along with. Years have passed since you attended that school, many of you achieving your dreams, and overcoming many early obstacles you had through your life. One morning a letter comes from one of your classmates; inside it reads that your teacher Ms. Deville is very ill and doesn't have much time to live, and would like to have a class reunion weekend at her house- your old school. Excited to see your old classmates you RSVP as quickly as possible and travel back to Rising Sun on the weekend of the now 15+ year reunion. A huge spread of food and drinks are presented in buffet style on the outside premises of the house. One by one your classmates arrive and embrace in old times and good memories. Ms. Deville comes out and though sickly is in good spirits as she joins in eating, talking and reminiscing. As the evening goes on, you notice there are only 7 people from your old class present. [I]Who was it? Where are they? What happened?[/I] You keep these thoughts to yourself until Ms. Deville goes to sleep, and you are alone with your classmates. You all had the same thoughts, "Who was missing?" After you all search your brain a bit, memories of the past flood back, and all the good feelings from this morning leave your body. The person you were thinking of was the boy in the basement of the house. The one you used to bully endlessly because he had a deformed face. The one that wore that mask. The one Ms. Deville told you was a very very bad boy, and to leave alone. "I wonder where he is now.." you ponder between the group as you retire to the guest rooms, wishing each other a good night. The boy with the mask's name is [B]Jack[/B] and he hasn't left the house yet. He's not in the basement anymore, he lives inside the walls and he is out for revenge on the children who teased him with out any mercy. [B]You[/B].