[CENTER][B]Rules, Greetings & Announcements:[/B][/CENTER] [I]Ahoy & welcome to a roleplay hosted by me, MissCapnCrunch! I am by no means an amazing GM, but I do put a lot of effort into my roleplays and try to make it a fun experience for everyone involved. You can refer to me as any variation of my username or if you want a for sure response; my name is Tori. Something you may have not had in a roleplay before is a GM that does summaries after awhile in the roleplay. Because of the nature of this roleplay, and how many people are in it- you might fall behind one day while doing stuff in real life, or whilst participating in another roleplay. Instead of freaking out- you can often find a link to a summary of what happened that day in the roleplay IC. When in doubt; ask me. I'm terribly nice.[/I] [I][U]My usual rules are as follows:[/U] ➤ [B]All of The Guild rules apply here.[/B] ➤ No God Modding or anything like that. ➤ One liners are terrible. Don't do them. A paragraph or so is great! ➤ Speed posting? [B]No.[/B] Please wait 2-3 people between your posts or 1 hour. Whatever comes first. ➤ Though this roleplay is mature think [B]SMART[/B], don't flirt with the banhammer. ➤ Be creative and have fun. I love both of those things, and am always open to ideas for plot! ➤ Kindness gets you far with me. You can be snarky as you want in character, but don't do it here. ➤ I want [B]DEDICATED[/B] roleplayers. Believe me, I understand things come up! On the other hand I know there are also a lot of people that have no damn excuse why they ditch out, and it drives me insane. If you're going to drop off- let me know ahead of time. In this roleplay in particular; if you drop out you will be the firsts to be killed- and believe me darling; it won't be pretty. [/I]