[hider=Alex] [img=http://data1.whicdn.com/images/5279004/original.jpg] Aleskey is tall, 6’3”, and broad-shouldered, but he has an otherwise average build from past years of boxing. He has a smooth, light-medium complexion, but distinctly Eastern European facial features. His eyes are a light brown, like two polished pennies, and his hair is dark and shaggy, but he has a natural white Mallen streak that shoots up from his hairline. He has his eyebrow and his nose pierced, both with studs. He has the beginnings of a sleeve of tattoos that starts on his shoulder and ends just above his elbow. It isn’t usually seen when he has a shirt on. His wardrobe favors dark colors and band t-shirts. NAME: Aleksey Kravchuk AGE: 19 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Bisexual ETHNICITY: Russian ILLNESS(ES): Tobacco addiction Alcoholism SKILLS: Russian is his native language. His English isn’t flawless, but he’s got a good handle on slang and vocabulary. A lot of idioms he doesn’t understand. He family ran a tavern, so he knows how to mix drinks and cook. If it could be considered a skill, he’s got a good alcohol tolerance. He’s played the guitar for five years now and while he doesn’t read music, he knows a bunch of extended techniques. As an occupational hazard, he knows a few things about sound tech and using a sound board. He can improvise an entire song on the spot: a skill that he takes with him when he’s songwriting. He has a very good memory and rarely forgets a face. He boxed for four years before coming to the US. One well-placed hit of his can knock someone’s lights out. JOB: Frontman and guitarist for his alternative rock band Soapbox Justice. He's known for working out new material at the Light Cafe. PERSONALITY: Aleskey is, above all else, a nonconformist. He likes to swim against the current and take chances, even if the odds may not be in his favor. It’s natural for him to do things his own way and if people are willing to join him on his adventures, the more the merrier. He’s a social creature and talking a lot with others is why his English improved so quickly in his short time in America. He’s a very supportive friend and green lights every idea, but isn’t very good at planning ahead. He grew up on believing opportunities were abundant in America and he hasn’t yet given up on that ideal. Some call it stubbornness, but it can also be taken as gullibility when his passions get involved. However, he still has a lot of pride in his country and doesn’t take any shit from anybody who disses him for being Russian or Russia in general. He has a low tolerance for ignorance, but he’s not quick to anger or violence unless he’s drunk. More often, he’ll walk away from an aggressor with a few harsh words than fight over it. He will hold a grudge, though, and cut a toxic person out from his life with no remorse. He has a morbid sense of humor that can be quite disturbing to those who aren’t prepared for it. BRIEF BIO: He’s been in the United States for two years now. His band has been together for a little over a year and while the audiences seem to enjoy their music, they haven’t been able to put out a single record. He’s also recently gotten off from couchsurfing and rented out a cheap, cramped apartment on Avenue B.[/hider]