Will peered up at her with revitalized eyes. She had a silly grin on her face for some reason, and she chuckled at as he sat up. [b]"You wouldn't need to thank me if shit hadn't hit the fan, but I suppose it's all well and good. You... You kinda scared me, though."[/b] She narrowed her gaze, looking self-consciously at the dirt. [b]"I can't keep an eye on you all the time, you know. Just.... be more careful?"[/b] [i]...What would we... I do, without you?[/i] Sig decided to put in his two cents. Cora wished for a moment she was deaf. [i]"So, Kettlehead,"[/i] Ugh, Will deserved a better nickname than that. It was insulting. [i]"Even If you guys are crazy I guess I'm stuck with you. Because I'm a generous guy, and the one with the most battle experience as well as the one with fastest thinking and best fighting skills, I will help you guys train up so you can distract all the guards while I kill Vrail."[/i] [i]That sounds like a big line of bull to me.[/i] Cora thought cynically, having only seen Sig's little puppet tricks with his power. He had too many reasons why she simply couldn't trust his word. And when it came down to Vrail, Sig's attitude very well could cost them that battle. But it was far in the future and the more pressing concern here was he complete and utter disregard for... She didn't know, communal respect? Whatever it was, it made her want to punch something. Instead, she leveled a cold glare at him, biding her time. There was still Phil to deal with. It was close. Phil seemed to debate opening up just for a moment. But... something changed his mind. Was it Sig's quip? Will's abrasive question? She didn't know. But it would seem this would take time as Phil responded to Will rather quickly. [i]"Sig drove me crazy with his shit and the feeling of a headache for the rest of the day was better than 1 minute of talking to him."[/i] [b]"Phil..."[/b] Cora bit her lip, rolling her eyes. He was definitely holding back. Sig's words echoed in her head. [i]'It would be a shame if one of you were to die...'[/i] Cora wrinkled her nose, exhaling a long, cold stream of mist. Time for him to eat those words. Let's see if he was as great as he thought he was. 'Cause right now, he was all talk with no bite. And no one, she meant no one, threatened her or Will and got away with it. [b]"Sig."[/b] Cora rose to her feet, lithe and precise in her movements. She moved close, getting eye to eye with Sig with barely an inch between them. Her stare was cold, angry. [b]"Before you go spewing shit, fight me. Right here, right now. Prove to me your worth. Or I will never accept you."[/b]