The first thing Danny heard when he regained consciousness was "Elecmon. The otha one up yet?" . Curious as to what was going he opened his eyes and looked straight into the face of a weird red and and blue quadrupedal animal standing on his chest. "Looks like it."The fact that the creature talked shocked him, and without thinking he pushed it off of him and got up ready to run if this "Elecmon" seemed dangerous. It was only after he had gotten back on his feet that he noticed his strange surroundings as well as another weird creature and another human and after taking a few minutes to calm down decided to do the only sensible thing he could think of. " I don't suppose you know what is going on here do you?" When he asked he deliberately ignored the two strange beings and focused all his attention on the other human. While Elecmon didn't like the fact that his partner wasn't asking him he decided to reply to Danny's question anyway. "It would surprise me if he did, but Impmon and I sure do."