CHARGE: 4/4! The chrome man instantly increases the mass of the Godmodder's big toes, and his heels, ONLY his big toes and heels, into the mass of at least 40 Mt. Everests. Effectively nailing him into the ground. He also increases the volume/size, NOT MASS, of the Godmodder's right wrist, ONLY his right wrist, as big as a boulder, giving others a bigger hitbox, but his wrist is not heavier, just larger. He increases the pressure of the air just in front of the Godmodder, in which he can not move forward at all, or at least, be slowed down very much. With a final "Heh." He takes away, AAAAALL of the speed from the Godmodder, either reducing it to 0 or having it reach a negative number, now, whenever the Godmodder tries to move, well, he can't. "Now," the man called out, "We all seem to be working for a common goal here, so I shall assume we are all allies, or at the least, shan't harm each other as the God Apparent still stands, so I propose we communicate with each other. To begin, someone try their hand at an Omni-directional attack, or perhaps at least an attack from all directions, I shall time your attack so that it becomes Omni-directional." He glances backward. "Also, I'm told that one should summon 'either Alucard, Touma, the Page of Hope, or anyone from Bizzare Adventure.' Whoever these might be, they seem interesting." EDIT: "Before I almost forget." Charge: 1/15