@Illuminami: Hrmmm- there are only a few things that need changing before I accept your character. First, why is your character more emotionally distraught when his friend is killed rather than his parents? If his friend was that important to him, he should be more than a footnote in the background section. Second, Summer City is rather large. Traveling through the city wouldn't be easy, not only because of zombies but because of physical obstacles as well (Barricaded streets, abandoned cars, etc). In the two months since the outbreak, I would only expect you to have explored a small portion of the city. That being said, just to make this clear, on the outskirts of the city (as with most other large cities within America) are suburbs. These are still fairly urbanized places compared to the country-side. There is still a large amount of danger here in terms of zombie population. I won't ask you to change this part in your application, however, I want you to be aware of how unsafe hunting here would be. Next, your equipment needs a good amount of work. Your 'Old Japanese Nodachi' is confusing. Do you say 'old' because the style is old or because the sword in question is actually aged? If it is the latter, then I would certainly say that the sword is not battle-ready as the blade will have been aged and dull. While we're on the topic of battle ready, most swords found today are NOT battle ready. Even when sharpened, most swords will dull very quickly- they are not made for the constant use of decapitating human heads. I will assume, however, that you indeed have a battle ready sword. I will not be so gracious throughout the rest of the RP if another sword is discovered. Furthermore, about Nodachi's- I'm sure you know that Nodachi's are quite difficult to wield. They are the 'great sword' of Katana's, being that their length is typically longer than that of a Katana. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to change it- but I must make sure you aware of the sword's capabilities. Now, moving on, you say that you have a bow. This is entirely too vague. What kind of bow is it? Traditional? Compound? Traditional bows can become tiring to use repeatedly while compound bows require a good amount of maintenance. You also fail to mention what kind of arrows you have. If you have a compound bow, you absolutely cannot use wooden arrows. Similarly, you describe having a camouflage suit- what kind is it? If your mother was a hunter, I assume it is a suit used for forests- not an urban setting. Lastly, I cannot allow you to have the amount of equipment you have- more specifically, weaponry. A sword, a knife (though probably used more for practical reasons, it can still be a weapon), and a bow. I will allow you to have either (the sword) or (the bow, regardless of it's type, and the knife). It's up to you. - - - - This also reminds me- I will be pretty lenient on ammunition. Counting bullets is far too irritating for both me as the DM and you. You WILL deplete your ammo if you get gun happy though. A good roleplayer will apply this limit to him/herself. Otherwise I will post in the OoC when you are running low/run out of ammo. That being said, you should probably avoid using your guns at all. - - - - @Czech- I like your character. The only thing that needs to be edited is the fact that you've been searching cities for supplies. As I told Illuminami, cities are rather difficult to navigate and are extremely dangerous. I would rather this be the first city your character is traveling to. Your supplies all check out, and I like the fact that you have ammo and no gun, haha. If you think about ditching the truck, remember carrying all that food and water will be near difficult... though, I have a feeling you're well aware of this. I REALLY like the position this puts you in. Anyways, edit that little bit if you would and you're in. - - - - I'll be making the OoC today as well as my character. I'll keep y'all posted.