A small half smile finds it's way to Akito's lips as the empress proves to be quite a fighter,staunchly holding her ground as her husband tries to molly coddle her. [i]'I guess if there is a place for a woman like her here at the royal table then maybe I can learn to get along here without it taking my entire life. She may be a sweet woman, but there is a fire in there I can relate to'[/i] Glancing over at his father the two of them share a look and Akito comes out of it with a slightly wider smile. [i]'How many times did he have to tie me down to keep me from rushing to the battlefield after him and the others? I mean, I could untie them if I wanted to, but it was more a sign of how serious he was that I was unwilling to do such a thing. He tied me up for my own good. . .'[/i] The captain too recalls those moments, but he with a bit more trepidation than the boy. [i]'He is willing to rush in head first no matter what, a long as he believes in it. If he gets too comfortable here with the emperor too quickly I see quite an epic set of battles that this place is just not ready for. After the way he put down his son like that, if Aki starts actually feeling for the prince. . .'[/i] More than once a delegate from another unit, or from the palace, had come to visit the general to either hand down orders or talk about replacing fallen comrades, and if they had ever shown any disrespect for the captain Akito had to be restrained to keep him from handing down some righteous wrath. [i]'Cute, but rarely helpful'[/i] He chuckles under his breath, also wondering what kind of older brother his on will make. He himself will have no claim to the child, not that he has much to Akito himself, but dear Aki will be this little one's dear sibling. [i]'I think he will make an excellent older brother, after getting over being terrified that he'll break the baby'[/i] Soon enough lunch is over, though too soon for the shy youth and as they all stand after the meal he looks to his father with sorrow filled eyes. The captain returns the look with one of comfort and confidence. The two walk side by side behind the royal family, the royals allowing them the small comfort of one another's presence for at least a little while longer. Akito stands a few steps from the captain as the others say their good-byes to the stout man, the sight of the empress maneuvering in for a hug around her belly quite amusing. The young soldier does his best to keep his eyes down, not wanting to insult the royal family by letting it show how much he is aching to keep his adopted father with him. [i]'Don't need them to take it the wrong way. . .Like maybe I dread staying here with them. While that is how I feel, I don't need them knowing that for sure'[/i] When at last it is his turn the general turns so his back is to the family, blocking his son from view. Akito looks up at the man, not even trying to put on a strong face. He is terrified of what's going on, and going at it alone has him on the verge of tears. Without hesitation Kaura clonks the youth on the head before pulling him into a bear hug. Akito yelp at the strike but smiles and hugs the ban back best he can. “Just be yourself and imagine they are all puppies.” Akito outright laughs at this but nods as the captain releases him from the firm embrace. Wiping away the single tear that had managed to escape he presses his forehead to the taller male's chest for a good minute before finally letting him him go. After that they simply look at one another, communicating more with their eyes than they ever could with words, until the groom shows up to announce his horse is ready. Ruffling Akito's hair best he can in that tight high pony he chuckles as the youth whines and pushes his hand off before smiling at the man as he heads down the long stairs to his horse. He doesn't move a muscle other than the ones behind his eyes as the man mounts, looks back one last time, then turns his horse towards the woods. His breathing is slow and once the captain is out of sight he lets out a long sigh, his gaze falling to his feet. “Thank you.” he murmurs just loud enough to be heard by the prince who had moved to the doorway moments after the groom had appeared. He was just out of sight but as it use to be his job Akito easily detected the young man's presence even before he moved forward. [i]'It's how I am. It's me being myself. My senses are always working overtime, I just need to learn to keep them in check'[/i] Turning around to face the giant doorway he moves back into the building, pausing even with the prince. He does his best to relax, taking a calming breath before looking to the taller male. His very slight smile returns and he waits quietly for the prince to decide what they are up to next. [i]'I mean, I'm not a lemming, I have my own ideas, but until I at least get the layout to this place I'm kinda at his discretion as far as wandering the grounds applies. And though once I've been a place I can find it again, I know we've barely touched the barest edges of this place so far'[/i]