[quote=Sublimation] Isn't Lugh a divine spirit though?Isn't Rayneth paired with Lancer? [/quote] He got elevated to Father of Light, but he was quarter-Divine initially if I recall correctly. He's banned for a different reason though. And no, Phonic's playing both, so Lancer's the only one who Rayneth can't be paired with, in fact. Tatsua's free to partner with Cu, if Phonic agrees. [quote=Skyswimsky] Did you put that banned Servants up later? I could swear Lugh wasn't there! Because Lugh was the only standard-Servant I had ever made for a Fate-RP and spend 2 weeks of research on this :L [/quote] Awawa, sorry. The list has been up since a few posts into the Interest Check, so a pretty decent stretch of time. Also, every Servant slot is kinda taken, so...