Aaron watched as Shinji stood up to face Shinto, he wanted to help but shinji said this was for him to deal with. But Shinto was a third year, he could easily take down Shinji if he wanted to, plus Shinji was already injured from his earlier stunt.[i]You can feel the anger inside you growing, so why not let it out? Why be "the better man" when you can show that kid true power? Just let go, let your anger take you, let all the hate rage on in you. Then you'll see, they all will fall in line behind you. Trust in me and you will bethe strongest mage there ever was[/i], the voice he Aaron suspected to be his familiar returned. This time, however, he could speak back to it. [i]What do you want from me? To help you realise your full potential. Trust in me and I will show you true power. ...how? When the time comes you will know. Well can I at least know who you are? ...Cairn.[/i]