Arturos had arrived on The Compass rather early and delighted in taking in his new surroundings. He went to his cabin to get acquainted with his new living space and promptly fell asleep sprawled over his bed. All through the confrontation Arturos slept like a baby dreaming of wild adventure and fighting off bandits or wild tribesmen with his cane. He gave a startled snort when a bellow from the fine Captain awoke him and he decided he should come up before they left the dock at least. Straightening his attire and adjusting his pith helmet he grabbed his trusty cane and somewhat bounded up onto the deck and gave a strangled startled snort for this surely was not the original port or was it. "Ah my friends all is well! Is it? Ha ha indeed it is!" Taking another quick glance affirmed that this was not where he had come aboard this fine ship and the lovely banner was gone too. He couldn't have been asleep for so long. Standing up straight he gave a pearly smile. "Ah yes so off we are? To adventure!" He pointed his cane and stuck what he thought was a heroic pose. "As it were is there anything I may attend to? Or possibly a bite to eat." He said to no one in general just hoping to strike a conversation and gain exactly where he was at the moment.