Anrah's head snapped around at the sound of a scream. It sounded so pained that it made her think of...of before she got the blood. Her eyes flicked between the hallway and Viorica's bloody dress in her room. Surely the others heard the scream so would it be so weird of she left the room to go towards it? Her eyes flickered to Evelyn and back down the hall. She shouldn't bother the elders with her questions and Angel still seemed shocked at thw sight in Viorica's room. Without a second thought, she dashed down the hall. In the opposite direction of the scream. She skidded to a halt in front of the library doors and entered swiftly. "William, I need you to come check something out with me!" She called, not loudly to be a yell but not quiet enough to be unheard. She stumbled through the shelves of the library, looking at the desks that seemed to be at the end of several of the rows of shelves. She came across the other fledgling in a far back part of the library, laying across a table and reading. "Will," she called again, now that she was able to see him. "Did you hear that scream? I'm gonna go check it out and I want someone with me just in case. Everyone else is wrapped up in Viorica's room." She walked forward and leaned on the table to lean over his face. "You like adventure?" She asked, motioning to the humorous sci-fi adventure book in his hand. "Let's go fund our own." She begged. She hated staying in the same place for a long time doing nothing, and the scream has her curiosity peeked. "What if there's another new vamp around?"