[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/040/c/2/pirate_ship_sailing_by_postalnik-d39741e.jpg[/img] [center]Our space ship, Surfus[/center] "Hey! Have you ever heard about that lost planet...how was it...ah! Planet Eden, that planet is a legend, many say that it has the best technology and an unlimited amount of natural resources. Whoever that finds it will be the richest person in the galaxy!...Or...at least is what legend says.... Anyway, you see those guys over there? They are space pirates looking for Planet Eden, why don't you join them? You are sick of living in this planet anyway...Just go talk to the captain" [center]Character sheet[/center] Appearence (anime) Name: Age: Spice: Planet you were born: Bio?: Weapons: [center]Rules[/center] -No lightsabers -What I say goes -More rules will be added if needed -Write "i'll find planet eden" at the end of your cs