Holly continued to stare almost blankly out of the window and down onto the street below their shabby little apartment. She watched as a man wearing a black suit talked on his phone device and crossed the road, causing two lanes of traffic to slow and beep at him. She watched a trio of young men wearing hooded tops and jeans walking together and talking loudly with gestures about something before they walked into a diner. She continued to watch the various happenings as she had been for the last hour or so, before she finally turned away and moved back into the centre of the relatively empty room. She hadn’t slept very well again last night and had awakened every few hours, again passing the time between bouts of sleep by staring out of the window at whatever happened to be going on in the mundane world. She resisted the urge to sigh out loud and instead decided that it was time to do something – she didn’t know what but just something, anything that counted as progress. She quickly picked her hooded jacket up from where it lay balled up beside the pile of blankets and pillows that she used for a bed, an array of mundane magazines and papers spread out beside it. She’d learnt a great many things just from reading through whatever discarded publication she happened to come across. The range of different cultures and topics had amazed her at first, but for every interesting fact or story she found she also found several horrific or depraved stories that made her shiver and feel sick. Rape, murder, violence of all kinds were just the start. Most importantly she had managed to learn a great deal about the workings and technology of the mundane – again for every wonderful thing she discovered, there seemed to be countless more tales of crime or some deadly weapon. Holly glanced backwards out of the window one last time, and as she was about to turn away she spotted the distant figure of Jeff waltzing away from the apartment. – her augmented vision allowing her to identify him with little trouble. A few moments later she spotted Dahlia following him, the pair no doubtedly off somewhere together to ‘gather intelligence’. Of how much of that involved actual work and less just spending time together Holly didn’t want to guess at. Zipping her jacket up she exited her room, manoeuvring her way down the narrow and dim hallway that lead to their shared ‘living room’. She sat on the large questionable sofa that had come with the place, her arms sprawled out and her head hung down. Even though it was only the morning she already felt drained. She turned her head and listened for any signs of someone left in the apartment, signs of someone else who wanted to be useful is some way. Her head swam with the thoughts of the things she’d learned over the last few evenings. Casting the thoughts out of her mind she suddenly stood and made her way across the room towards what was classed as their kitchen, it being part of their living room with just a cheaply tiled floor to differentiate the two. Opening the only cupboard she picked out a questionable looking item of food, a breakfast biscuit that was part of their hastily gathered ‘supplies’. It tasted a little stale, but compared to the usual flavourless food of Undaro it seemed almost like rare deliciously to her. Licking her lips she glanced around the apartment with a somewhat vacant look on her face.