Hiccup understood where she was coming from but that wasn’t the problem here- if that man wanted a war then refusing his demands would just be the excuse. Later on he’d find another to attack. There was no reason they couldn’t just end this now. Berk would fight if called upon to defend one of their own but Ava wished to keep peace here. She saw that giving up herself was better than giving up countless lives in the sake of protecting her. As proud as he was as her selflessness he wished she’d just let him handle this. He’d push the point again- knowing she’d probably just sneak out later and go against whatever he said. Before he could draw a breath for the next round Blizzard burst through the doorway- looking livid but very much human. “You aren’t going!” He snarled at her, exposing his teeth and hastily yanking a blanket around himself because her usual reaction would not favor his point. “He’s a beast masquerading as a man!” Hiccup expected some things from the dragon but now this. “What?” “Did you not hear me?” Blizzard snapped sharply “he’s wearing the skin of a human. Just below the surface- he’s-” There was no word that would translate this from his natural tongue and the clicks caught on his human vocal cords. He hissed with irritation. “You don’t believe me?”