[img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fgh2fbLiPkM/UyXtlZToOAI/AAAAAAAACmc/LwP3rnx3mKs/s1600/Gray-New-FairyTailAnime.jpg[/img] Name: Lard Giels Age: 105 years old Spice: Kalard, they look like normal humans but they are stronger and live much longer Planet you were born: Jilta, a planet completly covered in sand, life is really tough there, the heat there is terrible so it's normal to go [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130628143701/mangakaart/es/images/5/56/OMG-gray-fullbuster-32786648-1280-1280.jpg]half naked[/url] Bio?: Born in a poor family Lard started to work with ships since he was 12, his work was to clean the space ships, one day he came across someone who would change his life forever, a space pirate. Lard did not hasitate and joined the pirate's crew, there he learnt lots of different things and beame famous because of his skill with the sword. Time passed by as the crew got older and older, One day the captain died and Lard was chosen as captain. Lard paid th retairement of every member of the crew and then decided to look for new people to join in his search of the legend his captain told him aboutlong time ago, Planet Eden Weapons: [url=http://www.kitrae.net/Scrapbook/Red%20Queen%203D%20book%20views.jpg]Two handed word[/url] , most of the time wields it with one hand, only uses both when fighting seriously