Hironori wandered around patiently, giving Akito and the general their time to say goodbye. It wasn't hard to tell that his betrothed would probably have a harder time relaxing knowing that the one relatable person he had was leaving. But the prince wouldn't mention anything of it, instead he would work at Akito's pace. If he didn't want to open up, then he didn't have to. If Akito wanted to take his comfort in training, it was fine by him. This didn't mean Hiro wouldn't give him a gentle push forward every now and then. They'd get nowhere fast if it was nothing but baby steps the whole way. He moved back to the doorway just in time to see the general leaving. The prince gave a smile in return to Akito's. [I]'Well, he's trying. That counts for something. In one day, I'm sure he's learned quite a lot.'[/i] Hiro held his hands behind his back and slipped his hands inside his sleeves. "I've got an idea where you can sleep. And a few of our seamstresses are preparing to make you some clothes, or they're planning to buy you some. I don't know how that will work. But I'm sure you'll have clothes and such before bed." He paused and looked around the hall, almost as if he'd forgotten where he was. After a moment, he continued on. "Oh, and your room. I figure you wouldn't want to be in mine which is understandable and I don't mind, so I figured you could just take the room right down the hall. . .which is right. . .here." He pushed the doors apart to reveal another, fully equipped and lavish room. "And, obviously you can ask to redecorate. The servants are at your service as well, since you are practically royalty now." He glanced over at Akito and smiled as he said it. "Of course, you don't have to stay in here either. You're free to roam, to sleep when you want, etc." Hironori chuckled and leaned against the wall. "I must sound quite repetitive huh? I guess I'll be quiet. You're smart, and you can just ask questions anyway." The prince shrugged and looked around. "And if you want me to go and leave you be. . . I can do that too. Don't worry, you won't hurt my feelings or anything."