[quote=YamiCuoreLaroux] Despite the number of people now in the room, Vivi felt as if it were still a bit too quiet. It wouldn't normally be a problem; she liked when it was quiet, but this was a little too strange and awkward for her to really be comfortable. She looked around at all the occupants, wondering if she should say something. ...Ah, might as well. They came to get eaten, so anything that could happen right now probably wouldn't much worse. "Um...how old are all of you, anyway? If you don't mind me asking, I mean." She honestly couldn't place their ages, though they didn't look much older or younger than her or any of the other three girls that she had arrived with. And was it really just them and the servants here? Were they even beasts? It seemed surprisingly orderly here. [/quote] "I'm 17." Griffin answered gruffly. He made no move to move towards the table. He was starving but he and his brothers hadn't discussed seating arrangements. He wasn't eager to sit by an of the girls. Doing so might draw his beast out. The last thing he wanted was for his beast to claim a mate he couldn't stand. Of course he could stand all night either. He looked at Lee for directions.