[quote=Feigling] I thought you were genuinely asking the question 'Is RP guild dying'. Turns out this whole thread has degenerated into a slagging match where one side demands updates and fixes and the other side - myself included, looking back - defends ceaselessly.So, I'm going to sum this whole thing up: You don't like it? Leave. Too impatient to wait for updates? See ya. Want to bitch on a bout how the guild sucks and we should all leave and join Iwaku rather than sit it out? Please bugger off.All comments after this are redundant. Every point to be argued has been argued, No, the Guild is not dying, it is going through a slump. Yes, there are other sites with more features. No, I really couldn't care less about them. Can we please put this issue to bed? [/quote] [quote=Rare] [/quote] Let me direct you both to a certain part of a mod's post... [quote=HeySeuss] There is some wonderment why the mods didn't just step in and shut this convo down; that answer is simple. We didn't see anything rules-violating with the conversation and also figured (rightly) that some people probably wanted us to do precisely that so they could chant 'fascist!' I mean, I suppose we could come off as petty tyrant dicks and just close down a conversation that is, at times, critical, but that would be, in my mind, counterproductive. We all have a stake in this community, and feedback is a good thing. We'd be delusional to think we're doing the job perfectly around here and there aren't things we can change. Discouraging that sort of talk is essentially a shot to the foot.So we didn't shut down the topic and it's doubtful we will, because it's good to see people that feel strongly on an issue. Besides, I have something to add to the fray, but I've been holding off on writing it until I could phrase it in a way that I felt okay with, rather than just venting on a keyboard. [/quote] So yeah... Step it back and let's actually discuss these issues. The main problem is that there are issues that a large sum of people, even if they are a minority DO see than some feel like it should be discussed and talked about so we can (hopefully) find a way for US, as the community to be able to fix them. The main problem I'm seeing right now is that the community is splitting as a two sided coin when these issues are brought up and that there is A LOT of a lack of communication here. This is everyone in and out of this thread, including mods and admins. It is true, they do h ave lives that needs to be taken care of and they can't be here 24/7 and a good sum of our mods and admins have actual lives that take them from RPG for a very long time or prevents them from being on for long. This thread overall was not about Iwaku Vs. RPG, both are really good in their own way and Iwaku does have it's own issues though because the Guild is currently under a very simple format it has more cause more can be done to it and it has a lot more promise than the already 99% finished Iwaku.The Guild's simplicity is good because it's an outline that can grow and become rather promising. It can be something that no other site has ever been or will ever be. It is it's own "thing" in other words. Instead of being about Iwaku Vs. RPG, this thread is about certain issues that SHOULD be talked about in the community. It's not asking much more than "I've noticed some issues, what do you think? Where did they come from? Why are they here? What can WE do about it as a community and fix these issues?" While the OP might be a tad... off in asking these the overall premise of this thread are those exact questions and they are good ones. What CAN we do as a community to make the guild better and more fun for everyone? What CAN we do to keep people informed and have fun? What CAN we do to keep the sense of community that we all want to have stay the way we all want it to be?" While some issues we really don't have any option other than being patient and wait for Mahz to take care of them personally, there are many issues (Like RPGN being somewhat 'dead' due to the lack of members in it) that we CAN solve and fix to make the guild a bigger, better place than how some are seeing it right now. Don't silence each other out when you could talk and communicate with one another and find out new solutions for the currently seen problems and maybe even find out some other problems that the guild might have that we should all talk about. It's better we do that than sit around and ignore their existence, which would only make things worse for everyone... Especially if we turn around and throw stones at anyone that does bring up these issues and makes us acknowledge their existence. [quote=BlessedWrath] I do think the attitudes have gone a bit far in here. A productive comment would be more valuable than trying to "prove a point". Having a strong opinion is fine. Voicing it strongly? Also fine. Getting in somebody's face and making it personal...not fine.I'm not a mod (and probably never will be), but I am a member here. I'd like to ask the folks in here to reel it in a little and try to get back to a productive conversation and not a pissing contest. That's not meant to be inflammatory; just a simple request. Ignore me if you like. [/quote] ^^ This guy gets it. Gold star to BlessedWrath