Juliet turned her head to glance at Graviton. "Oh, hello" However worried she was about her beloved "uncle", it would have to wait so she could talk to this superhero she had never seen before and figure out what was going on. "Yes, it was unnaturally violent, the sign of a super... or a villain. I came here to see if the popular civilian, Bruce Wayne was alright in his mansion. You must know how the villains of Gotham can be. But, I'm not even sure Mr. Wayne is here at the moment... maybe its for the better" After saying her piece. Supergirl turned her attention back to the door, she was surprised when the door opened and the who opened it wasn't Bruce or his servant. It was even more shocking when the young man who came to the door locked lips with her out of no where and began speaking to her as if he hadn't even done it. For a moment, she simply stared at him, her lips had never met any one else's before. It felt amazing, even if it had been a stranger that had kissed her. Logic kicked in and she placed her hand on her hip with a slight smirk on her face. "I am Supergirl, half Coluan or not, Supergirl was my mother and I have taken her place. You must be Tamaranean, am I right? Where is Bruce Wayne or his family? You must be friendly or they wouldn't have allowed you in, am I right?"