Mira raised an eyebrow at Xaiver. [b]”It was a joke… but yeah, if you can get me a rum and coke that’d be great thanks,”[/b] she said, just a hint of a smile on her lips. Glancing to Lee, she shrugged, finding a seat and plopping down in it immediately. [b]”Sounds good to me, I’m starving,”[/b] she grumbled, figuring she better make the most of their beasts trying to fatten them up before eating them themselves. Everything was oddly, unnerving quiet for a moment until that girl… didn’t her name start with a V? Yeah. She asked how old the boys were. At least, she assumed the boys. She had no idea why she’d be interested in asking the girls. [i]17[/i] said one, then the other one, Lee, who seemed the most talkative besides Alex said he was 22. [b]”I’m 18,”[/b] Mira said, picking up a fork and flicking her fingernails with the prongs in a bored fashion. Sighing she pouted a bit and looked to the boys in the rather comfy formal chair she was sitting in. [b]”So… what happens after lunch? I thought you guys were going to be big beasties who were going to eat us, but, well, it seems I was at least misled.”[/b] She looked to the other girls for confirmation, but didn’t wasn’t too much time looking for it before looking to the brothers again. [b]”So, what’s actually going on in this fancy little crib?”[/b] she asked, curious about the brothers lives.