Taking another swig of water to ease the soreness of his tired throat Matt replied [b]"Chinese sounds good to me, and I'll ride along but I need to pick my ride up afterwards,"[/b] Standing back up from where he had been leaning against the van he looked at Parker and Luce and continued [b]"Although if Søren's driving I'm calling shotgun."[/b] With that being said Matt walked around to the passenger door and hopped in. Immediately his attention went back to his phone, missed emails along with facebook and twitter notifications beckoned his attention. The majority of the time it wasn't anything that he cared about but he did email subscriptions to most of the venues around town and his facebook and twitter were loaded with other people from the local scene and it was these that he most look forward to. Going through the email there wasn't much there that caught his attention except for a reminder that Atreyu had a show at Chain Reaction, Matt again made himself a mental reminder to look into tickets. After all Atreyu were legends fresh off a 5 year hiatus. Other than the Atreyu reminder nothing in the email interested him, most of it were digital flyers for local shows, some of which he thought he may go to others he had no interest in. Looking through his emails and notifications he failed to notice Søren get in and start the van or to notice any awkwardness that may or may not have existed between Lucey or Parker.