Name: Tyler L. Alon Age: 16 Appearance:[img=] Skills/Power: Sagittarius, with the ability to control electricity. Location of tattoo: On his left hand. Bio: Tyler has never been cold in his life. He always had a steady temperature and has never even been sick. He has always been very good with machinery. He has always been constantly moving from place to place for a reason not even he understands. All these reasons had made him question his life and if he was normal. His father had dragged him all over the world to many different places and shown him off to many different people and Tyler has never known why. That is until the day that Tyler found out that his father wasn't his father. He was a scientist who had taken custody of him after something happened to his real parents. That was the day that Tyler unleashed his anger and hate upon the city they were in. He caused what became known as the "Great Washington Blackout" at the age of 12 and killed several people including the scientist that had taken care of him and everyone on the third floor of the hotel he was in. After being questioned by the police extensively he was released to an orphanage where he promptly ran away 2 years later. He has lived on his own for two years and mastered his powers quite well. Not well enough though in his mind, it will never be enough until he discovers what mysterious organization did this to him. all he had was a folder that was heavily redacted. The title on it was Project Zodiac.