[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/TRlwHaq.png?1[/img][/centre] Haven, that was the name of the town where Rucks was. It wasn't that he'd forgotten of course, he'd just not taken much notice. It didn't bother him all that much. Two of the guilds dead triumvirate were sent here on a mission. Rucks didn't know what it was and he didn't really care either, he just followed them. It gave him a reason to leave the monastery, it was too cold there. Venn and Akal, the two members of the triumvirate were - as far as Rucks knew extremely powerful. He didn't know any particular details about their abilities just that Venn used a magic lost to time. Rucks sometime wondered what it would be like if he had learned something like that. He'd heard whispers in the streets a LNG time ago of lost magic for slaying demons, he could imagine it now. Rucks Kennithson the sky demon slayer. Or perhaps Rucks Kennithson the crystal demon slayer. He was fond of the two ideas, they would have probably brought more respect than Rucks Kennithson the Quantum magician. Even now other cultists at the guild sniggered at his magic, making sure he was always watched assuming that he could use none of it. At the thought he slammed down the apple he was thinking of buying, half of it had turned to stone in his hands. He looked at the shop-keeper who didn't seem pleased, tossed him a few jewels as walked away. He took out his jar of iron dust, it was half full. Plenty to sell for a small profit. He focused as he walked, and slowly but surely the iron began to grow hot. It went from its dull grey colour to a bright cherry red within a few minutes, beginning to melt. He neared the train station and sat on one of the public benches. This was the part that needed the most concentration, the jar he held the iron in was immune to his use of superposition but it was costly so he couldn't afford to smash it. As the metal began to liquefy Rucks reached into his satchel and brought out a small tube, no larger than the handle of a blade and with it still in his hand he undid the jar. Pouring metal in public was something Rucks was not fond of, it had taken him a good fifteen minutes to melt the metal this much. But still he would persevere, the metal had begun to bubble now, it was therapeutic to Rucks, slow and heavy. Much like treacle in viscosity, he wasn't sure if metal should be like that but the stuff he heated up always turned out that way. He slowly began to pour, trying to keep his hand steady the metal began to fall into the glass tube. This was cheap, plain glass and it held about half the jar in volume. It wasn't much bigger than a blade handle, although it widened out towards the bottom so maybe it wasn't completely true. After another five minutes the metal had finished pouring and Rucks began the process of cooling it, he sighed he should have just taken a job.