Finished :) [hider=Joseph Hall] [center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][b]"Hi? Um, it's nice to meet you? My name is Joseph...I hope we get along, I guess."[/b][/center] Standing at 6 feet flat, Joseph isn't exactly short, but he isn't outstandingly tall either. He's lean and lanky, more bones than muscle, and more boyish than a manly. With his long limbs and youthful face, he looks somewhat fragile. But despite that, Joseph is more angular than feminine and clearly a young and growing teen, albeit a little on the lanky side. [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Joseph Hall [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 18 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Sexuality:[/b][/u] He's not quite sure, though Joseph has had a crush or two on a girl in the past. [u][b]Ethnicity:[/u][/b] Asian American [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] First and foremost, Joseph wants to become a writer. He doesn't think much of his own work and isn't the most confident person out there, but he's fallen in love with the art, and he's fallen for it hard. Poetry and books, are his first love and if anything can lift his spirits, it's [i]E.E Cummings[/i] and [i]Shakespeare[/i]. Joseph has potential, he just doesn't believe in himself as much as he should. Aside from writing, Joseph works part time as a paperboy, and because of this he has memorized almost all the shortcuts and passages in Alphabet City. He's got a knack for observing minute details, a good memory, and he can go pretty fast on a bicycle if he has to. He can also speak and understand Chinese. [b][u]Job:[/u][/b] During the mornings he works as a paperboy, the afternoons are spent working as a cashier for a convenience store. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Distrustful and a little jumpy, Joseph is usually wary of strangers and tends to keep to himself, answering people with half-truths or awkward and unsure statements. He's amicable enough and won't turn strangers away when approached, but he will be on edge, questioning their reasons inside his head. Despite that, Joseph is a sweet young man, and after the initial wariness wears off, you meet the boy that holds doors open for people and tries his hardest to make his friends happy. Hardworking and a [s]little[/s] uptight, Joseph likes keeping a clear head and will say no to cigarettes and alcohol of any kind. If Joseph has any vices then those vices are reading and desserts. [b][u]Brief Bio:[/b][/u] His grandparents left China in search of greener pastures. His mom was a pianist and ended up marrying the owner of a diner she used to work at. The result of their marriage was Joseph Hall, but they hadn't planned to have a child, life was hard enough as it was with just the two of them. He grew up feeling like he was never really wanted and his father was a good for nothing drunk. Joseph didn't want to live the kind of life, he put up with it for years, but as soon as he turned 18 he hopped onto his bicycle one evening and just kept pedaling. He wound up in Alphabet city and began looking for a place to live. Joseph ended up in an ampartment complex next door to Lizbeth Kayle. (Second Character)[ [b][u]Extra: He and Liz have become good friends, she calls him Josie much to his dismay[/hider] [Hider=Lizbeth "Liz" Kayle] [center][img][/img][/center] [b][center]"Call me Lizbeth one more time, and I [i]swear[/i], I am so stabbing you in the eye with my paintbrush."[/b][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Lizbeth Kayle, though she never introduces herself as Lizbeth and is mostly known as Liz or Lizzie. [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 21 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Sexuality:[/b][/u] Heterosexual [u][b]Illnesses:[/b][/u] It's not exactly an illness, but Liz does have a smoking problem. [b][u]Skills:[/b][/u] Do you see that couple sitting at the bus stop? I bet you Liz could draw them. I bet it'd look pretty great. Lizbeth Kayle is an artist. Drawing, painting, origami, art is her passion and she loves to try new things, but her forte lies in sketching and painting. When she isn't working, you can find Liz scrounging the town for inspiration. She likes using people and places at subjects, so most people see her around Alphabet city, following stray cats or asking random people if they can spare a couple of minutes so she can sketch them. Aside from drawing, Liz is a pretty good cook, she can make a mean lava cake and has a knack for coming up with strange yet delicious recipes. She spends her days working part time at the Life cafe and other small restaurants. [b][u]Job:[/b][/u] Lizbeth works part time as a cook at the Life Cafe and as a waitress at other small restaurants. Sometimes she gets money from painting people at the park and other places. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Friendly and adventurous, Liz is almost always up for a chat or a joke, though her sense of humor tends to be a bit morbid. Liz doesn't mind talking about death, love, or other sensitive topics, it's hard to faze the girl and some people think she's a little callous. Liz has learned to take whatever life throws at her and she tries her best to bear it. She's not overtly emotional and for the most part has a clear head. The girl uses sarcasm and silly puns to shield herself from the bad things around and turns to art to de-stress. She's quite passionate about art and while she's no optimist, she believes that people should pursue their dreams. "If you don't go after it, you aren't getting it. It's pretty damn simple." A little on the hedonistic side, sometimes Liz does things simply because they feel good. She isn't the most responsible person out there, but she's a loyal friend when needed and her heart is pretty much in the right place. [b][u]Brief Bio:[/b][/u] Liz hasn't revealed much about her past, simply that she ran away from home because of her parents. She doesn't speak badly of them, but has mentioned their fights from time to time. Her father caught her mom cheating on him with a richer man and ever since then her home life has been mostly a mess. Her mother left one day and her father turned to Alcohol. They fell into debt and Liz left to start out fresh.[/hider]