[quote=Savo] -Eien : Heavenly Host = Infirmary-"(Crap, I need to make these brief... It seems like she won't last that long with that spiritual body of hers. Ok, what do I want to know?)"He quietly contemplated on what was important to know, as this could have him sink or swim in any events that were to transpire in the coming hours. Eien felt if he didn't come up with the questions soon, which would most likely fade away and rest somewhere before coming back as ghost again. He looked up at her, and back down, tapping his feet at a steady pace be for coming up with what he believed would be the most important questions of them all. He solemnly looked at Seiko with a serious look on his face, giving her a brief smile as he began quizzing her."Thanks Seiko, I wish I could remember what you did in life, but at least I know one thing about you - that you are a really good friend... Anyways, I have three questions to ask of you. First, are their any dangerous spirits I should keep my eye on other than the girl lying on the infirmary bed? Second, can you tell me the names of the other classmates and friends that have fallen to this putrid place? I wish to at least be able to call out their name when I meet them. And finally, when I do return to the realm of the living, if I do whatever would you like to say to your friends? I'll gladly tell them anything you wish to say to them."After he asked all those rapid fire questions he would calmly walk over to the spirit, and attempt to hug her as a way of show in his thanks. He didn't know if he would go right through her but it wouldn't hurt to try. Besides, he wanted to try and say thank you in another way besides words, and feel that it would comfort the saddens spirit. I mean, he did notice that it almost looked like a tear crawled down her eye, so he did want to make her feel better since it looks like she was pained mentally from the looks of it. [/quote] "Thanks, Eien," Seiko replied with a smile as she listed off each question to retain memory, hugging him back softly. Unlike most spirits in Heavenly Host, however, Seiko was incredibly warm, as though she were still living. "There are many dangerous spirits in this school, however this young girl is not one. At least, not this version of her." Seiko stated as she stared at the girl who was lying on the Infirmary bed beside Mayuri. "She has a....second version of herself, to put it plainly. I can sense the evil in others and let me tell you this little girl is purity. Who do you think saved your life from the 'other her'? I told her, though I didn't do it myself." Seiko explained. "I can sense her power...she's strong, however she's not as strong as the other her, at least not yet." Seiko turned her attention back to Eien. "Okay, second question: who else of our friends died here, right?" The question seemed to be directed to herself. "Well, I know for a fact that Suzumoto-san died just out in the hall back there - her body splattered against the wall and whatnot..." Her tone turned grave as she spoke of Mayu, her eyes falling to the floor. "I also think Morishige died in here, too... I found his ghost form once, searching for Mayu... Seems he can't rest until he finds her..." Her eyes darted back up to Eien. She wiped tears away from here eyes with a loud sniff. Seems the talk of others really put a downer on her. Well, at least one would assume. She went back to her cheery self in a matter of seconds. "And as for your third question..." She had a devilish look in her eyes as she rubbed her hands together. "Ask Naomi the baby she and Mochida-kun shared's name! The look on her face will be priceless!" She exclaimed with glee, though her face soon turned into something a lot more serious. "Tell them all...tell them I miss them...and I'm glad they're still okay. T-they're OK, r-right?" She asked.