Valerie nodded "Better than nothing," she said and laughed, she smiled at her "Serenity.." she repeated and then smiled "Nice to meet you - a psyche user, hm? Nice." she commented and dusted herself off before looking around before her gaze snapped back to the girl, she let out a loud laugh "I meant the ship - being in the sky again." she said warmly "But standing is good too." she said then blinked at the question "Hm? Well I've yet to meet everyone - if I sat around here it'd be likely I'd meet someone - and I wasn't wrong." she pointed out with a knowing nod. She followed after her before letting her climb the ladder, just as she were to begin climbing the voice of Serenity sounded from above her. "Nope!" she announced and laughed "We can go give the people a visit in the living quarters - if that's what you mean." she said and smirked, leading the way. She burst through the doors, standing between the two doors, one leading to hers, the other leading to the captain, facing a wall with two doors too - the women and men quarters. She patted Serenity's shoulder "Afternoon, ladies! Gents!" she called at the doors then patiently awaited an answer, she turned to Serenity and watched over her in the mean time - something to do, at least!