I hereby would like to add my post-apocalyptic character sheet. I'll be reading the IC and when I get a go, start writing my first post [hider=Thomas by Qirin] [b]CS:[/b] Thomas [b]Nickname:[/b] Burnie, Beir (pronounced bear with a rolling r), after my surname (which I like to translate to English as Bearheart) [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Description:[/b] Belgian apprentice plumber with a bachelor degree as middle-school teacher in history and Dutch. He has over the years made some drastic career changes from a soldier in the Belgian army to teacher to plumber. He speaks Dutch (his native language) and English fluently and knows his way around in French and German. [b]Personality:[/b] Thomas is mostly calm and friendly, with high amount of teddy-bear-cuteness (though he resents people saying that, apparently making him even more cute...) Because of that cuteness and his openness, people often go talk to him and tell him about their problems. Thomas has however great difficulty opening a conversation, especially with people he isn't quite acquainted to, unless he has a real subject of conversation - which is why he tells of himself he's socially awkward. He lives according to a few principles he has gathered over the years, mostly trying to be (viewed as) a wise and trustworthy person, yet sometimes does things people might find strange or awkward, mostly out of boredom. He doesn't quite like loudmouths and in return, doesn't try to be the center of attention. When he is bothered by them, he grows silent and brooding, actively ignoring the people who annoy him, even when they're talking to him at close distance. He also hates it when people call him smart because he's not quite as smart as he would want to, or when they try to add him in any type of "elitist" group. [b]Appearance:[/b] 190 cm (approximately 6 ft 2"), 82 kg (180 pounds), blond, blue eyes, between slender and athletically built. (I'll add a picture soon) [b]Physical capacity:[/b] Rather strong, being able to lift and handle heavy objects (ranging to about 70 to 100 kg, depending on the form of the object and what needs to be done with it), good runner, especially at short distance. Capable of jumping rather high and reaching high objects. [b]Backstory:[/b] Thomas was the first of three sons to a young middle-class couple. His mother worked for the Flemish government, his father in a nuclear power-plant. When he was four, his youngest brother was born with a severe mental and physical handicap, which will have quite an effect on the man's life. He studied Latin during four years in middle school and economics in his high-school years. He succeeded those studies with a narrow margin, mostly due to his disinterest in school life. After that, he joined the royal military academy trying to become an officer. After two years (at the age of twenty), he quit the army at the rank of sergeant, because he was greatly annoyed by the linguistical policy. After that he applied for a bachelor degree which he succeeded cum laude, despite encountering some major difficulties. However, as a twenty-three year old he didn't feel qualified to teach children and wanted to wait a few years, doing some more physical labor in the meantime, which has led him to follow the noble path of plumber. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] knives, heavy blunt objects or (if any available) an assault rifle [b]Fears and weaknesses:[/b] mild fear of (or resentment towards) invertebrate animals, especially the "squishy" ones like jellyfish and slugs. Also a mild fear of chit-chatting to unknown women (call it social awkwardness). Can get depressed when lonely (much like a beagle). His worst physical weakness is a tinitus (eternal high-pinched sound) in his left ear, causing him to have a hearing loss and the possibility to go stark-raving mad (should the story ask for it). As a mental weakness he has sometimes the tendency to overexert his body, leaving him in poor condition afterwards. This has led him to some injuries in the past (including a back injury which he seems to have recovered from but for story-sake might pop-up again). [b]Interests:[/b] physiology, languages (at the moment Latin and Swedish), history (especially about the Roman Empire), philosophy and animals in general [b]Other:[/b] hobbies have been martial arts (Tai-jutsu and Krav-maga), weight-lifting, badminton, soccer, reading pretty much any syllable that catches my eye and since recently writing (amateurish) poetry. [/hider]