Lucy was relieved when Søren spoke up about driving. "Thanks for drivin', Søren," she gave him a grin, "I really did [i]not[/i] want to drive," she patted her guitar case, as if it was a dog, obediently staying in her lap. It was a slightly nervous pat, as she was trying to distract herself from the obvious -- Parker. She felt her heart flutter at the thought of Parker sitting next to her. How old was she, again? She felt like an elementary school girl. Maybe it was true -- a part of her stopped aging the moment she received her first guitar. Her face did not tighten or change expressions, but she was feeling a little low from realizing how touchy she had been this evening. It was [i]only[/i] Parker. She joined the band for her love of music, not for Parker. And that was the truth. There was [i]nothing[/i] more to it. Or maybe, it was close to [i]her time of the month.[/i] She should not so [i]hormonal[/i].