[quote=Bird] I smiled - genuinely - and took his hand in mine. "Nice to meet you, Andrew. I'm Jean." Akira whined and interrupted me. "Yes, yes. These are my dogs, Akira and Roscoe. Attention hogs." [/quote] I smiled and reached down to pet one of the dogs and said "they always are" I heard a loud crash and jumped and looked up at the table where it came from. There was a man who began to speak he started off with something that really hit me hard after he said it all I could do was morn the loss of family in New York I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was to the point of New York City being reduced to a population of one. and after that he told us that he was disappointed in all of us for not trying to help people survive having no Idea what the hell any of had been through, after that he told someone story about what he went through. Then he brought up some abandoned farm and asked people to join him there to help improve the world and make some sort of secur community. And at first I was furious at this guy for the first part of his speech but I can't really blame him for getting people motivated. So I stood there and thought for a little bit and then I looked around and saw that a few people around the room including Jean had agreed to join this guy. So I raised my hand and spoke so everyone could hear me "I'm with you"