[quote=nerminator] Jeff heard Liz *Thats not Liz thats one of them!* "whats the secret Passcode!" Jeff yelled out too Liz sounding angry. Jeff constantly Changed the passcode every week and kept it a secret. Liz was the only person Jeff told his password too. the passcode was They're coming [/quote] "The password this week" Liz whisper dramatically "is They're coming." One of the things she liked about Jeff was that things were never boring around him. Still she felt bad that the poor boy didnt feel like he could trust anyone. He trusted her but only a little. She walked a very thin line with him. She was careful not to give him any reason to stop trusting her. [quote=Shadolord] "Actually We won't be removing your leg unless i deem it completely needed. Honestly ampuating your leg is the nueclear option." He sat and realized. "have you been told the rules for being here?" [/quote] Griffin frowned. Damn he had been so hopeful about the removal idea. With the limp he would never be fast enough to escape his father. But with crutches or an prothesis he could learn to be fast enough. "Rules? What rules?" He wasnt found of rules. They always got him into trouble. They couldn't kick him out could they?