[quote=Card Captor] So how are the Shadow encounters going to work? I assume that they'll all be happening at roughly the same time, but other then that, how are we going to handle them. Is it going to be like in P4 (ie; "You're not me" cue boss fight)? And if so, how are we supposed to fight our Shadows? [/quote] They actually will not happen at roughly the same time, in fact there'll be an order that I've yet to determine. As for how the encounters play out, that's entirely up to you. You'll control your shadow and your character, as no matter how well it's described to me it's not mine. As such I don't think I'd do it justice. In anycase the shadow encounter is your chance to develop your character and I wouldn't ever dream of taking that away. How the fight starts is really up to you. How will you fight them? Well you'll just have to wait and see. Suffice it to say I really do encourage you all to think about your evolved Personas.