Hannah sighed softly, "And thus the reason why we are all here. We should head down" She said, rising, running her hands through her long brown hair, and tying it up with a hair tie, out of her face. She smiled, leading the way back downstairs, seeing that Tory was coming down as well. Kalinda waited as Michael collected the others. She picked up Cooper when he came in, in order to stop him from going crazy when they all came downstairs. Her eyes strayed to the laptop again, but she let herself be distracted as Cooper licked her face eagerly. When Michael returned, it was either put Cooper down, or have her hands stretched badly as the little puppy wriggled about eagerly, wanting to be put down to run about. "Such a child" She said with a soft laugh, putting him down, and he at once started running around and exploring things, jumping up as Michael returned. She had enough time to wipe her face from the licking, before Michael took her hand, frowning as he spoke. "Camera's are easy to by pass. People aren't. The people aren't. I imagine they know our faces. So we should enlist the help of someone else. Not a shield agent, obviously" She said with a soft sigh, looking up as Hannah appeared on the stairs.