[center]Talan (or Tal)[/center] [center]"Tul Revat Shirak"- roughly translated to "Our Free Journey" meaning we are free to choose what paths we take in life. That our lives are our own.[/center] [center]Full name: Talan Val'Shirai[/center] [center]Titles:  Centaur(derogatory term for the Kahldari people), Kinslayer[/center] [center]Rank:  Boar[/center] [center]Age:  28[/center] [center]Gender:  Male[/center] [center]Appearance:  [img]http://wallhits.com/data/media/5/game_prince_of_persia_warrior_within_03_1600x1200.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Personality: Talan is not the most obedient of soldiers, being from a culture centered around conquest and force he only follows those he deems worthy of his loyalty. Life with the Kahldari has forged him into what outsiders would call a savage. He is cruel to his enemies and any outside those he calls ally, taking what he wants seems normal to him and the best way to describe him really is rougish. He has little understanding of foreign concepts such as honor or chivalry. To put it bluntly he is probably the best example of a Kahldari. But even though he may seem a savage, Talan can be a caring individual. That's if you manage to gain his loyalty and not simply by being strong but by genuinely building some sort of bond with him.[/center] [center]History:  To the west across the Howling Sea is a land known as Rannos or Kahlara as it is known by the indigenous people known as the Kahldari. It is a vast plainsland inhabited by the nomadic warrior clans of the Kahldari. All clans share a similar belief system with some unique differences between eachother. Kahldari society is the same for all clans however they all value strength above all else and a clan is lead by the most skilled warrior among them. The Kahldari are master horse riders as they travel by horse and wage war on them. They take what they want through brute force and look down on the weak. Talan was born into the Val'Shirai clan. His mother the clan Magi and his father a rider. Kahldari custom dictate that in this situation he'd become a rider and that is what happened. Tal was trained from a young age to become a Kahldari rider, riding till sunset and practicing his swordarm till sundown the Kahldari molded him into a capable warrior that would earn him the respect and admiration of his clan. At the age of 20 he found a wife, Kiata. The two were married in the following year and lived happily until seven year later. Kahl's ambition became his downfall as he wished to be Kahl. However he knew he could not defeat the current Kahl as he was too strong of a warrior. Instead he made an agreement with the Kahl of clan Quarem, if they killed his clan's Kahl he would take his place and give them half of the clans wealth.  On the night of the attack the Quarem raiders betrayed their deal with Talan, burning his tribe to the ground and killing every last member even Talan's wife. That was not all, they captured Talan and branded the Kahldari symbol for traitor on his chest so he'd forever be known as the Kinslayer. Once that was done he was sold into slavery where he was traded across Rannos until he finally reached across the sea to Arlon.[/center] [center]Skills:  Talan is an expert horseman which is normal since he is a Kahldari. He is skilled in dual wielding swords but is at his best on a horse where he is able to perform all manner of tricks such as standing on horseback or fighting while hanging on the side of the saddle.[/center] [center]Dreams and fears: Talan dreams of what every Kahldari desires; to lead his own Kahlan or clan as it's called by foreigners. As for fears Talan has little no none besides losing those he cares for, due to the mistakes of his past he is reluctant to form bonds with others for fear of losing them.[/center] [center]Favored equipment:  Most of what Talan uses in battle is what he used during his time with the Kahldari: Light leather armor so as to not weigh down his horse, and his two swords; one a Khopesh and the other a Shamshir./center] [center][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/131/5/1/khopesh_2_by_odinblades-d3g425q.jpg[/img][/center] [center]The Khopesh[/center] [center][img]http://www.swords24.eu/images/products/en/Prince_of_Persia_Black_Shamshir_of_Dastan_UC2677.jpg[/img][/center] [center]The Shamshir[/center] [center]Extra: Talan bears the Kahldari mark for traitor branded onto his left pectoral.[/center] [center][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/237/5/3/dark_magic_symbol_by_yenshin-d47seb2.png[/img][/center]