William made a vague gesture, as if waving her off, mumbled something along the lines of "Fine, but you owe me," but then quickly rolling to his feet, slipping past the younger fledgeling, and kind of half-jogging away, calling in a relatively low voice, "Come on! I thought you wanted to fund the adventure, not be dragged along!" He moved through the shelves as if they were home; indeed, it certainly felt like it. Quickly and automatically, he wound his way through the shelves, in a half-efficient way to get out, and half because he enjoyed just the way it felt to move between the shelves. His new eyesight picked out book titles with ease, as he wound through fiction, nonfiction, and back again. Either way, he knew where he was going, and appeared at the door to the library in no time. He turned, and waited for Anrah, trying to put everything out of his mind except what new things await. He was already a little sore on the vampire fledgeling thing- he was the [i]only guy.[/u] Were vampires sexist or something? He didn't know, and he pushed it out of mind as he waited the short time it would take for the other girl to escape the shelves- he was sure he lost her somewhere in there, half the reason to take a quick, confusing route.