[center][b]Valentín Nicolai de Nostrade[/b][/center] [center]"I already miss the darkness...the sweet gentle dreams I dreamt..."[/center] [center][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2lnif6u.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Full name:[/b] Valentín Nicolai de Nostrade [b]Titles:[/b] Former King's Ward, The Nightingale [b]Rank:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Melancholic, awkward, and depressed, Vale is a young fellow who seems to always appear as if he is woeful and wretched. His heart hangs heavy and his countenance hangs even lower. Despite being unusually beautiful for a boy, with an angelic and feminine voice to match, his gloomy and eerie dark aura may stir people in the other direction. He is a wallflower who prefers to keep to his own and watch others from a distance. Emotionally unstable and unavailable to all but the Queen, his somewhat passive behavior towards others makes him seem very mysterious and dissonant. He speaks in a low and dainty tone, and goes to all cost to avoid direct confrontation. He is the type of person who is quick to blame himself for the misfortune of others. While some believe him to be possessed, it is his dark past that consumes his soul. Vale seems to show interest in the mundane and books, and has a peculiar, but hauntingly beautiful singing voice. Despite this, passion lies far and in between for him, and more often than not, he is neither thrilled nor enthralled by much of anything. It is rumored that he talks to the walls and sings to the moon every night. Vale finds sleep to be his sacred place, and is always open to take any opportunity to slumber, relishing in his dark and distorted dreams. Not many see him in the light, as he reserves his gentle smiles and singing for the Queen. He is a bit of a masochist as well. [b]History:[/b] Clairenfort was a small, but rich neighboring kingdom under the rule of the Nostrade royal family. The Nostrade's consisted of the King, the Queen, Vale, his 4 older brothers, 2 older sisters, and 3 younger sisters. As one of the youngest, and the youngest son no less, there was a slowly festering feeling of neglect that Vale was feeling from his parents. And this didn't help, because from a very young age, he was always deemed different by his siblings. The black sheep as some of them called him. Vale was exceptionally beautiful for a boy and many said that unlike his brothers, he took after and resembled greatly to his mother. The folk of Clairenfort said he was the most beautiful, even more so than his sisters. Often, his siblings would tease him and exclude him from their activities for being weird. It was only his mother who truly appreciated his uniqueness. However, unbeknownst to him, his mother was the worst of them all and if modern doctors could of existed then, she would of been classified as a psychopath and sociopath. She knew Vale was different, and used her motherly charm to manipulate her son to her own bidding without him even realizing it so she could take the throne for herself. She loved none of her children conditionally, and to her, Vale was just an out-casted pawn she could use to her advantage. It was when he turned 10 years old, that through skilled deceit, under-play, and strategizing, she was able to manipulate Vale into killing his entire family by poisoning their food at dinner. Distraught by what he had done and unable to cope with the dark and extremely volatile emotions he was feeling, he eventually ended up killing his mother as well. After the death of the royal family and the kingdom of Clairenfort began to crumble, a young Vale was adopted by another King(Lady Isolde de Morgreta II's father)and raised as the King's Ward. Isolde, a very gentle and sweet princesses, was one of the few people that Vale immediately felt a good "vibe" from and latched onto her like a fly. Infatuated by her light, he has been loyal to her ever since, even after she was de-railed by her good for nothing brother. He may not be in the lime light, but he does what he can to keep her safe at all cost, even if by lurking in the shadows and watching those who come near her. [b]Skills:[/b] ---Keen Eye; Due to his reserved nature, Vale developed an odd ability to read individuals and assess them just by looking at them. He is exceptionally skilled at reading lips and body language, and has a tendency to pick up "vibes" from others. ---Singing; Vale is a haunting, but ethereal beautiful singer. The rare few who have heard his voice, stated that it sounded like a haunted ghost trying to lure them to the pits of hell. Of course, when he sings to the queen, his voice is like a mother lulling her child to sleep. ---Book Smart; Vale spends much of his time reading books, just about any book in fact. He has no preferences. Literature is just one of the many means for him to "escape". Because of this, he is knowledgeable about many things. ---Pain Tolerance; Somewhat of a masochist, Vale finds pain to be an odd and "hard to explain" sensation for him, but, in a good way. Because of this sensation he gets from pain, he has a high tolerance to it, making torture more of a pleasure for him than a scare tactic. [b]Dreams and fears:[/b] ---Fears the death of the Queen. ---Fears large crowds of people. ---Fears not being able to sleep. ---He has no dreams(none at the moment) except for the ones in his sleep. [b]Favored equipment:[/b] ---His books. [b]Extra:[/b] Insignia of the Nostrade Royal Family. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/53/a2/4e/53a24e07fc938cf376abbec074fe18d1.jpg[/img]