Esther walked down the streets of Eden, stopping every so often to gaze at the windows as she passed the stores. [i]Now hiring.[/i] A leather bag was slung at her side filled with multiple copies of her resumes. At first, she thought she could rely on online applications to find herself a job. It was just one rejection after another and every time, she was disappointed even more. Although, it was expected considering that the only experience she had was working at McDonalds, which is not very impressive. So if the world wide web wasn't going to help her, she would have to go and look for a job herself. Besides, she was getting desperate. She already owed 3 weeks worth of rent, which wasn't much considering how simple her living quarters actually were. Her landlady had given her 3 days to find herself a job, and this was day one. Esther entered various clothing stores, pet stores, cafes, she even tried applying as a security, which was way out of her depth. She was much too accident prone to be working graveyard shifts taking care of shopping malls on her own. Nevertheless, she tried anything and everything. It was 6 hours later when she was finally on her last copy of her resume. Unfortunately, she had spent so long on foot walking around in pink jelly sandals that her feet were starting to feel hot and ached from blisters. Esther decided she would save her last resume for now. She stopped at the first cafe she came across, Mally's Cafe, and decided to have a seat for lunch. Esther grabbed herself a menu and a table number before she pulled up a chair for herself and sat at a table next to the window. It wasn't long before a waitress came over and asked for her order, which was, as always, a french vanilla slice with an iced chocolate. As the waitress hustled away, Esther pulled out her journal from her leather bag. [i]Day One:...[/i] Esther lightly bit the top of her pen as she spent a minute to think about what she could use as a title. While she was deep in thought, she unknowingly began to hum. Although her voice was soft, it was sweetly melodic and aided her in her musings. With a smile, she let her pen hit the paper... [i]The beginning,[/i] she wrote.