It bothered me how few people in the crowd had said anything. Dozens of people and only a handful have spoken up. The silence is awkward. "Damnit what's WRONG with you people? I'll be the first to admit I didn't trust this guy or his little mouse in the corner there. I mean I hid under a window to keep them from having my weapons. But how can you not SEE what this man is OFFERING you!" I look around at the slightly miffed faces in front of me... "When was the last time you had HOPE? I know what we've all been through. WE ALL KNOW. I know that EVERY SINGLE ONE of you has held your family in your arms and WATCHED them die in morbid helplessness. I know you have all STARVED for weeks at a time, searching for food. I know the people who's evils have awakened in this new world have come across you. And I know every one of you have done what you needed to survive. WHATEVER that may be. Well this should be no different damnit. For God's sakes our weapons are RIGHT THERE. If we wanted we could gut these two where they stand. But we haven't. We all can tell who and what this man is. We all know he's transparent. The only thing holding you people back is your hope. We stand a better chance together than alone. We can make better decisions, protect eachother and most of all, BRING BACK THE PERSON WHO WAS THERE BEFORE THE SHIT HIT THE FAN. We are reduced by our lack of hope. And this man is offering to give that back to you He's offering to save you instead of the savages this world requires. He has a vision that you are apart of. And if you weren't willing to be apart of it, then you never would have come to this building hoping for EXACTLY THIS. We all know what we came here for. This is it. I am willing to hope alongside this man. I hope you have the balls to admit you're willing to do the same."