[quote=BlessedWrath] I think that's more on the responsibility of the GMs than on the site. Put your roleplays into the sections where they belong, and start booting people when they don't comply. Sometimes diplomacy requires a 2x4.It would be nice if GMs posting roleplays which do not conform to the standards of the sections where they are posted would have their roleplays moved to the correct section, though. I don't know if that's the specific target of this complaint or not; I haven't really noticed one way or the other.Really, though: Incorrectly categorized roleplays make you wish the site would die? I'm not poking at you; I just want to understand why you would feel that way. [/quote] It was more sarcastic than anything, It's not that I want the site to die really I'd just like it to go back the way it was. The worst part about the sort of 'unrestricted' sections is that I've seen many 1x1's in free and casual.