[quote=Eklispe] The Wire Frame's eyes flash and the Godmodder's attempt to force him to attack fails. The wire frame unleashes a burst of darkness reversing the Godmodder's space-time negation, instead doubling the effect of his ally’s space-time powers. The wire frame encases the Godmodder in telekinetic force stopping him from moving, while negatively charged swords covered in purple fire locked onto the Godmodder's presence fly towards him from every angle. [/quote] The Godmodder himself wasn't forcing the attack. The entity was doing nothing, so I decided to have it do something. I'll allow 1 damage to the Godmodder, but he punches the Wire Frame anyway, and it still dies. [quote=Megadraco] M respawns, flinching."So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" He makes a motion ith his arms, and spikes come out of his robes. Of course, they twist and turn to allow him freedom of movement, but they manage to guard every place that is open to attack. "Try punching me now!" He gloats. After this, he sees the Godmodder holding the charged sword, and smirks. "Do you really think you'll be able to use my own weapons just like that?" M snaps his fingers, and the Godmodders sword fades into a blue mist. Since it is charged, and can't move away from the Godmodder, it instead goes into his nostrils and mouth, forcing him to slip into a magical, deep sleep.M then thinks aloud,"You know, we could really use a bit of help here," and grabs a sort of intercom. He turns it on, and says,"Hey, A, we have a tough one here. He's replaced his world's Death. That's right, you heard me. I've got a bit of help, but you could be useful."Faintly audible from the intercom, she answered,"I'm a bit far, but I'm on my way!"Charge: 1/7 [/quote] [quote=Mikellh Dejax] CHARGE: 4/4!The chrome man instantly increases the mass of the Godmodder's big toes, and his heels, ONLY his big toes and heels, into the mass of at least 40 Mt. Everests. Effectively nailing him into the ground. He also increases the volume/size, NOT MASS, of the Godmodder's right wrist, ONLY his right wrist, as big as a boulder, giving others a bigger hitbox, but his wrist is not heavier, just larger. He increases the pressure of the air just in front of the Godmodder, in which he can not move forward at all, or at least, be slowed down very much.With a final "Heh." He takes away, AAAAALL of the speed from the Godmodder, either reducing it to 0 or having it reach a negative number, now, whenever the Godmodder tries to move, well, he can't."Now," the man called out, "We all seem to be working for a common goal here, so I shall assume we are all allies, or at the least, shan't harm each other as the God Apparent still stands, so I propose we communicate with each other. To begin, someone try their hand at an Omni-directional attack, or perhaps at least an attack from all directions, I shall time your attack so that it becomes Omni-directional." He glances backward. "Also, I'm told that one should summon 'either Alucard, Touma, the Page of Hope, or anyone from Bizzare Adventure.' Whoever these might be, they seem interesting."EDIT: "Before I almost forget."Charge: 1/15 [/quote] The Godmodder watched in surprise as the Chrome Man's attacks rendered him helpless just as he was stunned from the collision. He continued to watch as M's energy started to enter his lungs. Just as he's about to succumb to the sleep... [b]ACHOOOO![/b] The Godmodder's sneeze ejects the blue mist at the Anti-Godmodders. While it lost the sleep properties, it will interrupt one random attack next round. The sneeze also reset the Godmodder's atomic charge and the changes made to his body. The Godmodder has now gained the ability to control a similar mist-like substance, but his is red. [quote=AnonyNoob] In the distance, mountains had spoken of a coming storm, and with it the source of the oncoming blizzard: Impul'Som Tyazhest' had returned once more, future technology, near-infinitive supply of vodka, and all!"...The previous has vanished...But the creature is like a phoenix. A new one has appeared!?"The Russian had been crouched upon one of the many peaks, armoring systems at scouting phase: He was granted great sight, but the actual defensive mechanisms were at bare minimal function. Using this, he was observing the many attacks being made upon that beast he had helped hunt before. The man had smiled, vodka bottle raising to his lips as he took a moments contemplation."...I usually try to destroy this beast...Perhaps this time I should assist it..."The man raised Svetlana, peering through the mighty sniper rifles' scope. The combined lensing from the rifle and scouting system gave him a more than clear view of his targets. He paused in indecision, before finally settling the rifle upon his typical target, the Godmodder's chest."A useful ally...But a more entertaining hunt. Into the depths we go again!"With this declaration, the trigger upon his rifle was pulled, and its payload was unleashed: His shot had no intent of lethality though, but instead was a preliminary safety measure, having a tracker within it. [/quote] The bullet got stuck in a tree! The Godmodder now is having thoughts that these foes might be trouble for him. Unlike his previous foes, they do not seem to stay dead... [b]"Perhaps it's time for a backup measure."[/b] the Godmodder says. He begins charging for... something. [hider=Godmodder Stats] Godmodder HP: 96/100 Buffs: Mist Charge: 1 [/hider] [hider=Anti-Godmodders] [/hider]