Appearence: [img=] Name: Jasper Fireflower Age: 21 Spice: Human Planet you were born: Domta: Early in this planet's history a nuclear bomb went off killing most of the life there. It also made a large mountain range which saved most of the life behind it from the blast. All the animal life behind the mountains mutated to survive the radiation and to be able to survive with less oxygen then normal humans and stronger then normal humans to survive the slightly stronger gravity there. The people there are in a medieval society and they don't have a money system and work with trade instead. They have a female ruler named Adila who makes sure of everything is a peaceful as it can be who is also Jasper's mother.They pray to no gods since they have none and believe very strongly in science. Bio?: Jasper was taken from his home for experimentation at age 18 and was separated from his brother and, mother. He caused a major problem on the ship that stole him that killed most of the crew on that ship until he was found. By then the ship was to far away to far away from Domta to go back. This caused a hardening of his personally so it would be harder for others hurt him. He floated from ship to ship until he ended up in Surfus where he stayed. Personality: He can be rather cold when you first met him but he will warm up to once you get past to coldness. He can be rather sarcastic at times and some times to his own downfall. He's kind to people he cares about. He will fight to the end for people he cares about.He is a wonderful strategist and planer and ready for anything at anytime. In his free time he often found ether drawing in a sketch book or playing a flute that he wears around his neck. He can be good in engineering if he knows what to do. In times of anger he will curse in his first language which is quite extensive. He also knows some magic but not only does he know only a few low level spells they tire him greatly. Weapons: Anything he has in his hands at the time but he prefers to use a knife. I'll find planet Eden