As Conna'Cel walked, the hallway suddenly transformed into a ballroom, causing Conna'Cel to stop and examine his new surroundings. "Strange," he said as he scanned the room. As he did so, he noticed something move with inhuman speed. Normal human eyes might not have noticed it, but Conna'Cel had much sharper sensors. He reacted quickly, raising his right arm as it transformed into a series of cylinders surrounding a metal rod, essentially like a small minigun barrel, while stating, "Possible hostile entity detected." He aimed it directly at the figure that had appeared, but did not fire. Instead he scanned her to see what information he had about her. He found nothing, which was odd since he had a plethora of information stored in his memory banks. [i]"Apologies for the rude endeavor. You seem to be...lost. Tell me, is there a certain reason you're roaming this mansion?"[/i] the female asked them. Ignoring the question, Conna'Cel simply ordered, "State your identity." At that point the female apologized again and said, [i]"I don't really have a name...but you may address me as Marianne."[/i] Filing away that information to use, Conna'Cel lowered his weapon, not sensing any hostility from her body language or words, and it transformed back into his arm. He then said, "Information about my current location and 'The Collector' is necessary. GPS and Wi-Fi have failed. My files contain no information about either."