[b]Pilot/Custodian Staff Member[/b] Name: Doctor Ludwig Fiedler Age: 27 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100621144413/villains/images/9/9a/Doctor_Kanzaki.jpg][/hider] Personality: Doctor Ludwig Fiedler is a primary example of where brilliance and insanity meets, and as such could be seen as teetering on either side of the playing field. He is an incredibly hyper-active individual who conducts all sorts of experiments, from relatively mundane, to highly advanced, all in the pursuit of even more knowledge. He has no sense regarding the personal space of others, and is almost always cheerful. He is rather theatrical in his nature, rather often performing over the top gestures to illustrate points, especially when he goes into monologues about his relation to the Greatest Swiss Scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and how he continues to follow in his foot-steps, bringing forth the great fires of Prometheus and its knowledge. When he is working, he is completely devoted to his task, and will not eat, sleep, or take any break until he finishes it. Ludwig also has very deep relationships, not with people (as most are put off by his insanity, even though he really tries to make friends.), but with his tools. In particular he has a deep kinship, boarding on love with his blow-torch he affectionately calls Rebecca. Brief Back-story: Ludwig Fiedler was born to a small family in Switzerland to Goat Herders. At an early age he created his very own android, beyond what many individuals who practiced could do. This, is what inspired a mysterious and shady group, to take the boy within their ranks. And by take, it was quite literally, they kidnapped him in the dead of night, but they did leave a note for Ludwig’s Parents to inform them of this. And the group, which was a branch of the Custodians, did promise that Ludwig could see his family again. So Ludwig was raised in a sterile environment, which had no peers of his own age, where he would learn the disciplines of the many sciences, especially Robotics, which the boy was quite gifted at. The boy was happy, though he’d would have liked to have some aspects of a normal childhood, like dealing with peers, but he very much enjoyed the education and praises he received from the scientists who raised him. And, the Scientists loved raising the boy, and were quite kind to him, all agreeing that they shouldn't do anything morally wrong to the child. Well besides the initial kidnapping in the dead-of-night, but that had to be done, and it was apologized for many times. And so, Ludwig, grown up, works for the Custodians to Defend the Earth, and to progress the human race further, as the HEIR OF FRANKENSTEIN SHOULD! Skills: Doctor Ludwig Fiedler is a Doctor of Robotics, and as such has an incredible mastery upon the subject, knowing precisely how they work, and easily able to craft so many strange wonders with even the most basic of tools. Which, as to be expected, really translates well into piloting the crafts of giant robots. Besides his mastery of Robotics, he is rather skilled in Chemistry and Biology, as is to be expected of an Heir of the Frankenstein Lineage. Usually he uses his knowledge of it to make several neurological agents, and other biological agents. And, in a pinch, he could help address many medical emergencies, but the fact that he likes to be ‘creative’ in his approaches to it, tends to make people want another doctor. (Even though Ludwig promised that they would only be partially cyborg-ized, and that they’d have total control over their functions…other than the releasing of a biological agent which would cause blisters in the eyesockets of only certain members of the mamilia kingdom. For some reason they’d rather just a ‘normal individual’.) He can also decently play the pipe organ. Abilities: N/a, he’s just a normal human. Well pseudo-normal, he’s normal when it comes to human abilities, but personality wise, he’s definitely not normal. [b]Mecha[/b] Name: Modern-day Prometheus Type: Super Appearance:[url=http://i.imgur.com/0yoGhq5.jpg]"I succeeded in discovering the cause of generation and life; nay, more, I became myself capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter."[/url] Specifications: This 45 meter tall, Mecha was made by Doctor Fiedler himself to defend the universe! Primarily it is used in the fight against other giant mecha robots used for evil, and the horrible aliens of space. It does this by implementing mass stuns, to the respective neurological systems, actuators, etc. of the target in question, which makes it easier to kill them off. Equipment System: This baby is powered by a damn nuclear fusion core. It has incredibly tough shielding, (as to be expected of a super) both physically and shield generators (which do shield off EMP blasts, usually its own.) located in the upper echelons of the shoulders. Speaking of the shoulders, they can open up like deranged little maws, that shoot out heavy concentrations of neurological agents, that works on alien XNA, which hinders the neurological pathways from operating. Of course the douse delivered is the most important thing, regarding how long the alien would stay up for. Its gun arm is the source of much of the EMP blasting the robot can do, which if it is in range of any mecha, is going to shut down the systems. As such, it is really, really good at doing accidental friendly fire, to allied mechas, and even itself if Ludwig forgot to activate the shielding. The gun arm also can shoot sound-waves as a destructive force. The Claw Arm, is a devastating melee weapon, able to scavenge apart mecha armor that are within range of it. Speed, is not at all this mecha’s strong suit, even with its jet-boosted feet, which is primarily used for taking off into space to fight off the aliens.