Lulia was sat for a while in the librarg going over the same few paragraphs explaining how to summon a familiar, "incantation" she muttered to herself quietly, as she began thinking. Just then she felt a gentle poke on her arm, lulaia ignored it and went back to her reading acting as though it was nothing. Another poke in the same place, then another. It kept happening till she looked over at a small child with short blue hair, blue eyes and was in a white dress. The little girl looked like a extremely normal 7 year if it wasn't for the fact no one could actually see the girl besides lulia. "Go away" lulia said. "But I came all this way to find you! Why did you leave me behind?" The girl asked with a pout. "Why should I have brought you? Your just a silly little haullucination that just stays round to anoy me" lulia answered. The girl sat down at the chair opposite lulia, a pout still upon her face. Now she was more higher up she could see lulia was reading a book. "What you reading" she asked interested, "its nothinbg your tiny brain should worry about" lulia said as she got up and walk off with book in hand, the blue haired girl jumped down and followed, her head tilted to the side she could just about read what the cover said "fam-ili-ars?" The girl said "oh your trying to learn how to summon a familiar?" " none of your beeswax" lulia said. Lulia had walked through the school and outside and round the back where she wouldn't be spotted by anyone, the girl had followed her. "I could help if you like" the girl said as she sat down where lulia had placed the book. "I can do it myself" lulia said. " whatever you say" the girl said. Lulia was stood infront of the girl, she stood there calmly, her eyes shut and her breathing low. She opened her eyes suddenly and began saying something which she thought would work as an incantion but nothing happened. Once again lulia tried and fail. The girl giggled "I'm still here if you want help I know how to summon a familiar" the girl said but before she was allowed to speak again lulia shot her a glare as to say 'say one more word and I'll cook you up for lunch'. The girl became quiet and sat there watching