M, of course, noticed his power being copied. He glared even more intensely at the Godmodder now. He had quite a history with power copiers. "Of course," he thought. "Copied powers are always weaker than the original... But with this guy, I don't know if that's true." He also wondered whether his Mist's attribute would also be sleep, or something else. But of course, he wouldn't have a chance to test it. Greatly relaxing his focus, he let his huge Life Force wash over the battlefield, neutralizing nearly every attempt to use a power from his universe, and definitely the Godmodder's. "You're playing with powers from a universe you don't belong to, a universe you don't understand," gloated M. " You don't have what's required to allow you to use it, while I... I have tons of it. And the funny thing is, when someone with tons of it meets someone with little, or none, as is your case, the weakest one is neutralized. And before you try, no, it cannot be copied. Believe me, it's been tried. Over and over." After this declaration, M's hand began to glow blue, channeling something. He grabbed his intercom, and said, "Make sure to bring T along. Yes, I know the portal'll take longer to charge, just do it." CHARGE: 2/10 CHARGE: 1/4