[quote=Savi] Kaine grinned at the twins and said "I'm Kaine and this is Faeya. I'm the son of Aphrodite, spawn of beauty and love, half bro-" Faeya interupted him and said "half brother to cupid, blah blah blah." Then she smiled at the twins. "I'm Faeya, daughter of Hecate. And it's no problem! This idiot" she indicated Kaine "does it all the ti-" Kaine shoved her and said "I do not!" Faeya rolled her eyes and said "whatever." Kaine walked over and grabbed her cloak, seeing that it had not even a speck of blood or dirt on it. He gave it back to Faeya and Faeya threw it on herself. "Anyway, it's nice to finally meet people!" [/quote] Rikki smirked, a hand under his chin as he looked Kaine up and down. "Beauty you say?" He said taking a step towards him. "I believe it." he purred, one of his hands resting on Kaine's chest. Catalina grabbed the back of Rikki's shirt and pulled him away from Kaine. "Down boy!." She looked up at the son of Aphrodite "Sorry about Rikki, he's almost to gay to function." "Hey!" Rikki grumbled, crossing his arms. "At least I don't have sex with pans." He teased his twin poking her cheek.