Reusing old zombie rp character, hope it's okay! I did the bio in bullet points cause I could not form anymore coherent paragraphs for the night, I'll fix it in the morning if you need me too. [hider=Jesse][b][u]Username:[/b][/u] Liriia [center][img=][/center] [b][u]Character Name:[/b][/u] Jesse Wells [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] 19 [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] A woman with a sharp appearance, Jesse is tall, slim, and lanky. Her skin is pale, face flecked with freckles, and is shaped more like a stick than a woman or man. She has a thin face, messy red hair, and bright blue eyes which always seem to have a sleepy feel to them. With such a well sculpted face and body, it might be obvious that she has a very natural female fatale air to her. Despite her slender body, she is unfit and surprisingly weak, often needing to have a cool down period after psychical movement. Her main advantage is how fast she can run due to her long legs. A faded rose tattoo sits on her right wrist, and her ears are pierced, though one earring is missing. (6'0; 151 lbs.) [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Jesse is, more times than not, angry. Just imagine a ball of constant stress and annoyance, put a face on it, and you've got the lovely Jesse Wells. Unlike other people, who might talk about their emotions or cry it out, Jesse remains stoic and unnerved, bottling her emotions until she just explodes one day into a full on rant. She will not show weakness, she will not cry. Jesse has always believed there is weakness in such things, and they were not weak. She was strong, courageous, and stubborn, even if she didn't want to be. Growing up with her younger brother and busy parents, Jesse had to learn to be strong to protect herself and her sibling from the terrors of middle-class America, and from this she has also gained a very protective, maternal personality towards those who she considers friends or family. When not angry, she can be considerably kind, often clinging close to friends and sharing funny childhood stories to lighten the mood, even if her realist brain thinks its not the right time. She enjoys calculation, and is a rather smart, perceptive cookie, often looking much deeper into things then others would. Her thirst for knowledge has also given her a rather reckless streak, especially when her curiosity gets too strong for her to resist. Other than that, she is ridiculously ambitious and stubborn, and always gives her one hundred and ten percent into whatever she does, and she makes up for her lack of physical health with her mental strength (which is still rather unhealthy due to her constant high stress levels.) [b][u]Background:[/b][/u] [*] Jesse was born into a middle-class, hard working family on a snowy January night in the restless city of New York. Her life growing up was simple enough; she would play with her dolls while her parents worked, go to school and work twice as hard as any other kid to stay afloat, and constantly question her reason of living and her lack of friends. Pretty much normal for a lonely child. Once their brother was born, they suddenly found a place in the world, and that was protecting this small bundle of joy. She would defend him in school, breaking up fights with her own fists, and despite her bother's constant annoying teasing, Jesse loved him dearly. Family is extremely important to her.[/*] [*]In high school, her parents split suddenly, which effected her deeply. Jesse found that she had slipped into a slight depression, in which she was so unmotivated that she had begun failing classes. Her mother took her to therapy eventually, and they managed to break her out of her shell, revealing her new passion. For science. [/*] [*]Jesse was obviously a smart cookie, especially in biology and environmental sciences. She aspired to be a forensics scientist, though, and wished to be of help to people in whatever way they can be. With her impressive grades in the sciences and math, she managed to get into a relatively good college in Pittsburg. While leaving her mother and brother behind was rather upsetting, she did appreciate her new found freedom.[/*] [*]She easily befriended her new roommate, Debra Jones, and became a rather popular face in her Forensics and Bio classes. College was simple as well, since Jesse was such a try hard when it came to studying.[/*] [*]She manages to sleep around a bit throughout their time in college, never really can hold down a relationship though. Then again, Jesse seems to believe that dating was a distraction for the bigger picture in life, which would be maintaining a perfect picture as a notable and impressive scientist. Still, sex wasn't a bad thing per say, and it helped with her stress.[/*] [*]Woke up on the day the world ended believing she was late for a biology quiz. She escaped from the university after the initial week, in a group of students and professors. They managed to escape Pittsburg, though were slowly picked off, one by one, until only Deb and Jesse were left. They managed to survive together for a few more weeks, scavenging and looting in order to survive, until Debra was finally killed by a few angry thieves. Barely escaping with her life, Jesse ran far, emotionally distraught over loosing her friend and not knowing if her family was okay. She's been alone since. [/*] [*]Throughout her journey, she has had one set goal. One thing that kept her going; Joseph, her baby brother. He could still be out there, scared, alone, and Jesse swore on her life that she would find him. He needed her, and she knew it.[/*] [b][u]Equipment:[/b][/u] Weapons: [*]Nightstick (worn)[/*] [*]Crowbar (rusted)[/*] Satchel filled with: [*]Scavenged Food (canned)[/*] [*]Two Bottles of Water (small)[/*] [*]Forensics and Biology Textbooks[/*] [*]Three Notebooks (half-filled)[/*] [*]Pack of Gum (mint)[/*] [*]General Makeup Items[/*] Other: [*]College Sweatshirt[/*] [*]Working Watch[/*] [b][u]Other Notes:[/b][/u] - Has two notebooks full of information on the zombies and their habits. Constantly stops during her travels to take notes on the curious creatures. - Hates anything that can effect the body, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. Jesse finds them disgusting. - Claustrophobic - Lisensed motorcyclist - CAN NOT COOK. DO NOT EAT ANYTHING SHE COOKS. [/hider]