So, basically, I'm going to cut the bullshit and just say, finals suck. School sucks. Work sucks, but I'm back. What I want to do with this RP, is a couple of things. 1) I want to appoint Captain Shelton as the co-gm. He's my best friend/awesome ex and is more than competent as a GM, and I think he'll do great things with this RP. 2) I want to restart the RP, but a few months down the road, to make it a little easier for the characters to live in a truly apocalyptic world. Each person will post a decent sized bit of fiction introducing their character at the beginning of the RP (if you already had, then you can just use that but if you're new or aren't using current characters this applies to you). 2.5) I want to know if you're keeping your characters and I need both a head count, and a vote on whether or not we want to make a whole new thread for this RP. Either way, this is where we want to take the RP, at this time. I, for one, am creating a new character and keeping one of my currents. So, post your opinions. :)