[center][b]The Cave, Arnoth, 10 AM[/b][/center] Cynthia kicked her feet up, resting them on a low table. Her pack was slung across the back of the chair, which meant that anybody could access her inventory, but she wasn't worried about it. Everybody who was here she trusted. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of not having to wear that heavy armor. "You know," She said to nobody in particular, "Realism is cool and all, but they could have lightened the equipment a bit. I feel like I've been hauling a tractor every time I stop running around." She opened one eye and looked the 'natural' room they called The Cave. She and Prince had stumbled upon it on a gathering quest, and claimed it as a personal space, and now it served as a base of operations for their group. The group in question was now scattered around the rest area, minus a couple of people. "Someone want to flip on the TV?" She asked, spinning her chair to face the screen set on the wall. "Might as well know what's going on in the world while we wait."